Chiefs Community Team Launch New Chiefs Engage 16+ Programme

Our Chiefs Community team have launched a brand new Chiefs Engage 16+ education programme for 16-25 year olds carrying an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) in Devon.
The programme offers support to young people using rugby’s core values to encourage them back into education, training, apprenticeship schemes or employment.
The core principles of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship are integrated throughout a vast array of physical and class-based sessions that focus on health, activity, functional maths and English delivered interactively.
A high staff-to-pupil ratio allows each young person to feel their needs are truly being met as our staff look to have a positive impact on their educational and employment prospects.
Chiefs Engage 16+ will be run from Topsham RFC and the programme is supported by CVC capital Partners, Exeter Chiefs Foundation and Devon Wooden Spoon partnering with Exeter College.
Full information on the programme can be found here.
Or you can speak to one of our community team by contacting our Exeter Chiefs Engage coordinator Angelique on [email protected]